Why I Love Shelties So Much

Why I Love Shelties So Much

Shelties or Shetland Sheepdogs are the greatest dogs on the planet in my honest opinion. I love all animals but when choosing a dog I just love shelties so freaking much! There are so many reasons why I love shelties. They are such loveable dogs and I believe everyone in the world should have a sheltie.

When I was a little kid, I asked my parents if we could get a dog. As a little kid I didn’t really know that much about dogs or what kind of breeds there was. My parents were hesitant to get me a dog but one day I got the surprise of my life! That surprise was a little sheltie pup! I was so excited!!

There are a lot of reasons why I absolutely love shelties but today I am going to give the top 5 reasons why I love them!

  1. Shelties are so loveable: Shelties are the most loveable dogs I have ever seen! If you have a sheltie you will know this. They love their owners more than anything in the world and they would do anything for their owners. During my lifetime I have never seen an aggressive or mean sheltie.
  2. Shelties are very playful: Shelties are one of the most playful dogs I have ever seen, especially when they are younger! They non stop want to play and just have fun with everything they are doing! This is another reason why I love shelties so much!
  3. Shelties are very loyal: Shelties are one of the most loyal dog breeds out there! They will be loyal to you as long as you are loyal to them and you give them love!
  4. Shelties are good watchdogs: Okay this one may sound surprising to sheltie owners but shelties are actually pretty good watchdogs even though they aren’t aggressive dogs at all. Shelties are known for barking a lot but that’s a good thing in my opinion! When they see something outside they automatically start barking at that person or thing which can be helpful!
  5. Shelties come in a variety of colors: One of the coolest things about shelties is the fact that they come in different colors! You can get shelties that are sables, tri-color, blue merle, bi-blue, and bi-black.

So those are just 5 reasons why I love shelties so much! I could go on and on all day about why I love them but you would probably be here for a year! If you are thinking about getting a sheltie, I would definitely get one!!

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