Why You Need A Sheltie In Your Life

shetland sheepdog

In my opinion Shelties are the greatest dogs on the planet earth. I love all animals but Shelties are something that are very important to me and I love them so much! They are the first pet I have ever had and I really do believe that everyone should have them in their life. Today I want to tell you why you need a Sheltie in your life!

One reason why you should have a Sheltie in your life is they are so loving! I have never seen any other dog that is so loving like a Sheltie. If you already have a Sheltie or Shelties you know what I am talking about. Obviously most dogs and pets are loving towards their owners but Shelties are on a different level in my opinion. Whenever I come home after a long day and my Sheltie was home alone, he comes running up to me like he hasn’t seen me in 10 years! He comes running up to me all happy and just very excited! Whenever someone in my family is sad, my Sheltie will go up to them and give them lovings!

Another reason why you need a Sheltie in your life is they are extremely loyal towards you. Shelties are one of the most loyal dogs I have ever seen. Shelties will always be there for you when you need them and they will always make sure to have your back when you need them the most! I know that sounds corny because most people think they are just a dog but I believe Shelties are just humans inside a dog body! They know when you are sad, happy or angry and they will always cheer you up!

A third reason why you need a Sheltie in your life is they are very very smart. Shelties are one of the most smartest dogs in the world. They are very easy to train and they learn very quickly. I remember my mom brought my first Sheltie to a training class for dogs and the lady there said he wasn’t gonna learn anything fast. 4 months later our Sheltie was top of the class and was considered the smartest dog in the class! He knew more tricks than the other dogs there and he was the best!

The last reason why you need a Sheltie in your life is they are very playful. When Shelties are young they want to play play play! It doesn’t matter what time of the day it is. They love to play and just have a ton of fun! If you decide to get a Sheltie be prepared to be playing a lot with them!

There are way more reasons why you need a Sheltie in your life but I wanted to give you a few reasons why you need one in your life! I really hope you enjoyed this article and I hope you decide to get a Sheltie or get more Shelties! Be sure to follow us on Instagram and Facebook @ sheltiesarelife !!

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