5 Things To Know About Shelties

A Sheltie in the forest

Today I am going to over 5 things you should know about Shelties! If you are a hardcore Sheltie lover you will probably know most of the things I am going to share with you! But if you are someone who is maybe thinking of getting a Sheltie or just want to know something about them you have come to the right place! Here are the 5 things to know about Shelties:

  1. Shelties can be small to medium sized dogs. The American Kennel club states that Shelties are 13-16 inches at the shoulder and weigh around 15-25 pounds. Some Shelties can be smaller than that and some can be bigger than that! But either way they are all cute!
  2. Shelties are the 6th most intelligent dog breed in the world. Shelties learn new tricks and commands in fewer than 5 repetitions. Shelties are also the most intelligent of all small dog breeds. If you are looking to get a very smart dog, Shelties are the way to go!
  3. Shelties are very vocal. If you have a Sheltie you probably know this one already! If a Sheltie sees anything outside or hears a noise they will start barking like crazy! They also make funny noises when they want to play or when they are playing! My Sheltie loves barking at the squirrels that are on my porch!
  4. Shelties love running outside. Shelties are very energetic dogs. You should aim to let your Sheltie run around outside 30-60 minutes everyday if possible. The reason being is because they are considered herding dogs. Shelties love being outside and love to explore nature!
  5. Shelties live 12-14 years. I wish all dogs could live way longer than this but 12-14 years is the typical lifespan of a Sheltie. Make sure to take good care of your Sheltie’s diet, teeth and make sure to give them plenty of exercise to maximize their lifespan!

So there you have it! Those are the 5 things you should know about Shelties! If you have a Sheltie you probably knew all these already but if you are someone who is thinking of getting a Sheltie these are things to consider! Be sure to follow us on Facebook and Instagram @sheltiesarelife to see daily pictures of the cutest Shelties on social media!

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