Are Shelties Good Family Dogs?

Shetland Sheepdog

Are Shelties good family dogs is a very good question that many people will probably have. Getting a dog when you have kids can be a complex thing because you definitely want to make sure you get the right one! In my opinion all dogs are great family dogs as long as they are trained properly. But today I will tell you the top 3 reasons why Shelties are great family dogs!


  1. Shelties are smart

Now you may be saying that a lot of dogs are smart but Shelties are one of the smartest dog breeds in the world. Shelties can actually interpret your facial expressions, vocal expressions, and your body language to see what you need or want from them. Shelties are very smart dogs and this makes it much easier to train them! You can pretty much train a Shetland Sheepdog to do anything you want!!


  1. Shelties are gentle with little ones

When I was 4 years old, we got our first Sheltie. He was always gentle when I was around him and we never had any problems when my brother and I were younger. Because Shelties are so smart they realize when they are around children to not be too aggressive while playing with kids. But always make sure to watch how your kids are treating your Sheltie or any dog because sometimes they can snap unintentionally! 


  1. Shelties love being around family members

Shelties are a very loving dog breed and they don’t like to be left alone for long periods of time. Obviously most people have to work throughout the day but Shelties love when everyone is home! They love to play and be given attention. Leaving your Shetland Sheepdog for long periods of times can make them very sad and anxious. This is just an example of how loving and sweet Shelties are!

So there you have it! Those are the three reasons in my opinion why Shelties are good family dogs! They are VERY loving dogs and they will make you and your family very happy! Be sure to follow us on Instagram and Facebook @sheltiesarelife !!! 



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