
The 8 Color Coats Of Shelties

So today we are going to be talking about the 8 different coat colors that Shelties have!

Sheltie laying on it's back

Why Do Some Shelties Sleep On Their Back

If you are a Sheltie owner you probably notice that your Sheltie will sleep or lay on their back sometimes.


Some Facts About Shelties

Shelties are very awesome dogs! They have an interesting history and I wanted to share with you guys some facts about the Shetland Sheepdog today!

shetland sheepdog

Why I Love Shelties

Shelties or Shetland Sheepdogs are the greatest dogs on the planet in my honest opinion......

shetland sheepdog

Why You Need A Sheltie In Your Life

In my opinion Shelties are the greatest dogs on the planet earth. I love all animals but Shelties are something that are very important to me and I love them so much!


Why I Believe Shelties Can Sense How You Are Feeling

If you are a sheltie(s) owner you probably agree with me when I say that Shelties can sense how you are feeling.

Two Shelties Relaxing

Differences Between Shelties and Collies

.A lot of people I know always call my Sheltie a Collie but in reality the two breeds are actually different in some ways.

A Sheltie Puppy Sitting On A Bed

How Often Do Shelties Play?

When getting a Sheltie, you must be prepared to play with them a lot! Especially when they are puppies and when they are younger.

Shetland Sheepdog

Are Shelties Good Family Dogs?

Are Shelties good family dogs is a very good question that many people will probably have.

A Sheltie in the forest

5 Things To Know About Shelties

Today I am going to over 5 things you should know about Shelties!

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