Why Do Some Shelties Sleep On Their Back?

Sheltie laying on it's back

If you are a Sheltie owner you probably notice that your Sheltie will sleep or lay on their back sometimes. They also lay on their back and bark to get your attention, which is super cute! Have you ever worried why your Sheltie does that? I know I have but I also know how cute it is so I don’t even worry about it! Today I am going to give your some possibly reasons why your Sheltie or Shelties do this!

Laying on their back is not the only Shelties sleep. They also sleep on their side and stomach but today I want to go over some possibly reasons why Shelties sleep on their back. When Shelties lay on their back it shows that they are super relaxed and their guard is down. This basically means they are just chillin like villains! When they do this, I would not mess with them because they are too relaxed!

In dog psychology, laying on their back is what they call submissive. When they are in this position, it shows that they feel safe and secure. They are in a very comfortable state and when they are in this position, let them relax!

Another possibly reason Shelties and any other dog lays on their backs is they are cooling down. Dogs only sweat from their pads on their paws and they also pant with their tongues out to cool down. When Shelties lay on their back, it can make their belly get hit by cool air which in a sense will cool them down!

When your Sheltie or Shelties are laying on their back and are fast asleep, it’s best to let them sleep and relax! But if they are wide awake on their back and they are trying to get your attention, this means they want to play, get a belly rub, or go to the bathroom!

If you have a Sheltie that lays on their back, those are some possible reasons why they are doing it!

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