Why I Believe Shelties Can Sense How You Are Feeling


If you are a sheltie(s) owner you probably agree with me when I say that Shelties can sense how you are feeling. Maybe this is the case for every dog breed but I really do believe Shelties can sense when you are happy, sad, angry, or anytype of feeling you may get. Shelties are a very loyal and loving dogs.

The reason why I believe Shelties can sense how you are feeling is because whenever I was sad my Sheltie would always come up to and lay next to me to try and make me feel better. My Sheltie did a very good job with this because when he did that my mood changed to being happy! Whenever I was happy my Sheltie would get excited and would want to play for hours!

Another reason why I believe Shelties can sense how you are feeling is whenever someone in my family would be angry or would be arguing my Sheltie would have his ears back and look all scared but at the same time would try and make you feel better. Shelties are a very smart breed and can pretty much tell what is going on at all times. Most Shelties are very sensitive and are very loyal to their owners so I believe they feel obligated to make sure their owner is always happy or at least try and make them happy.

I know this was kind of a random blog post and very short but I wanted to tell you why I believe Shelties can sense how you are feeling! Shelties are very smart dogs and I think they can pretty much know what is going on at all times. If you are a Sheltie owner you probably know what exactly what I was talking about! If you are someone who doesn’t have a Sheltie or is thinking of getting a Sheltie, I would highly recommend you get one or many!

Thank you for reading this article on why I believe Shelties can sense how you are feeling! Be sure to follow us on Instagram and Facebook @ sheltiesarelife . I post daily pictures of very cute Shelties!

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